

You’ll need to have a Google Cloud Platform account with a project you would like Dot to use. Consult the Google Cloud Platform documentation for how to create and manage a project. This project should have a BigQuery dataset for Dot to connect to.

1 Create a service account

Create a service account that you manage in your Google Cloud account. This account should be provisioned with the following read-only roles:

  • bigquery.dataViewer

  • bigquery.jobUser

  • bigquery.readSessionUser

You'll need to provide the service account's email, a JSON-formatted key, and the location of your BigQuery instance.

Create a service account step by step.
  1. Navigate to Service Accounts:

  2. Create a New Service Account:

    • Click on Create Service Account at the top.

    • Assign a Name and optional Description (e.g., dot-service-account for identification).

    • Click Create and Continue.

  3. Assign Required Roles:

    • In the Grant this service account access to project section, add the following roles:

      • BigQuery Data Viewer (roles/bigquery.dataViewer)

      • BigQuery Job User (roles/bigquery.jobUser)

      • BigQuery Read Session User (roles/bigquery.readSessionUser)

    • Click Continue to finalize the role assignments.

  4. Create a JSON Key:

    • Under Create key (optional), select JSON and click Create.

    • This downloads a JSON file with the service account credentials. Store this file securely; it contains sensitive information.

  5. Service Account Details Needed for Dot:

    • Service Account Email: Visible in the Email column on the Service Accounts page.

    • JSON Key: The file downloaded in step 4.

    • BigQuery Location: The regional or multi-regional setting for your BigQuery instance (e.g., us-central1). Find this in the BigQuery console under BigQuery > Settings.

2 Granting permissions

The service account also needs the appropriate read-only roles.

The easiest way to grant these roles is through the Google Cloud Shell.

First, we'll create a custom role for Dot-related permissions and then bind it to the service account that you're using. We'll also bind read-only BigQuery roles to the service account.

A) Create a Dot custom role

gcloud iam roles create DotMonitor \
  --project={{PROJECT_ID}} \
  --title=DotMonitor \
  --description="Dot specific permissions" \,

Note that the {{PROJECT_ID}} placeholder needs to be replaced with your project id.

B) Bind the custom role to a service account and apply read-only BQ roles

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding {{PROJECT_ID}} \
  --member="serviceAccount:{{SERVICE_ACCOUNT}}" \

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding {{PROJECT_ID}} \
  --member="serviceAccount:{{SERVICE_ACCOUNT}}" \

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding {{PROJECT_ID}} \
  --member="serviceAccount:{{SERVICE_ACCOUNT}}" \

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding {{PROJECT_ID}} \
  --member="serviceAccount:{{SERVICE_ACCOUNT}}" \

Note that the {{SERVICE_ACCOUNT}} and {{PROJECT_ID}} placeholders needs to be replaced with your service account and project id, respectively.

Example Values

  • PROJECT_ID: super-position-123456


Allow Dot IPs

If your organization uses a network policy to manage BigQuery access, Dot will only access your BigQuery through the following IPs:



Last updated