User Feedback

is valuable input for learning

Users can either upvote or downvote a response from Dot.

This feedback is used to expand Dots knowledge base, and give admins relevant insights to manage Dot.

Positive Feedback

"Strengthen strengths" made young Boris Becker a world champion in Tennis 🎾. When a user clicks 👍, Dot will store the generated query for this question and reuse it for similar questions in the future.

Before a generated query gets used by Dot an admin needs to select it on the Model page.

Negative feedback

👎 is a signal for admins that Dot's knowledge base needs to get adjusted to be better able to answer this question.

Admin Overview

Admins can select to see the history of all users. All conversations with at least 1 dislike will show up with problem and if there is no dislikes and at least 1 like it shows as success.

Last updated