Define Metrics & Dimensions

the core of your semantic layer for trustworthy analytics

Read here, why you need them.


A characteristic or attribute of your data. Examples include customer ID, product name, or date. It's usually a column in your database. Dimensions are what you use to segment your data.

They are defined in the dimensions section of a cube

  - name: short_id
    label: Short Identifier
  - name: status
    label: Order Status
    sql: ${table}.STATUS
  - name: payment_method
    label: Payment Method
    sql: ${table}.PAYMENT_METHOD
  - name: date
    label: Payment Date
    sql: date_trunc(${time_frame},${table}.DATE_CREATED)
      - time_frame: [day, week, month, quarter, year]

In the example above we defined 4 dimensions:

  • Short Identifier: is a calculated dimension, where we take a part of the column _AIRBYTE_ORDERS_HASHID

  • Status, Payment Method: are just passed directly and only labelled more user friendly

  • Date: is also a calculated dimension, but with a variant variable time_frame that will create multiple variations: date_day, date_week, date_month, date_quarter, date_year. This allows the end user to query multiple the data in different granularities


Variants allow us to keep the semantic layer DRY and easy to read. We can either just have a list of values like above:

- name: date
  sql: date_trunc(${time_frame},${table}.DATE_CREATED)
  - time_frame: [day, week, month, quarter, year]

or we specify key value pairs, if we want to pass more complex values along, but keep the created fields clean (date_day, date_month, date_year):

- name: date
  sql: date_trunc(${time_frame},${table}.DATE_CREATED)
    - time_frame:
        - day: "%Y-%m-%d"
        - month: "%Y-%m-01"
        - year: "%Y-01-01"


A calculation based on your dimensions. Examples include sum of sales, average order value, or count of users. Measures are values you want to analyze.

They are defined in the metrics section of a cube.

  - name: total_revenue
    label: Total Revenue
    sql: sum(${table}.TOTAL)
  - name: average_order_value
    label: Average Order Value
    sql: avg(${table}.TOTAL)
  - name: number_of_orders
    label: Number of Orders
    sql: count(${table}._AIRBYTE_ORDERS_HASHID)
  - name: distinct_customers
    label: Number of Customers
    sql: count(distinct ${table}.CUSTOMER_ID)
  - name: orders_over_customers
    label: Ratio of Orders per Customer
    sql:  ${number_of_orders} / ${distinct_customers}
  - name: orders_credit_card
    label: Amount of Orders with Credit Card
    sql: count(case when ${table}.PAYMENT_METHOD = 'credit_card' then 1 else null end)
  - name: revenue_credit_card
    label: Revenue from Credit Card Payments
    sql: sum( case when ${table}.PAYMENT_METHOD = 'credit_card' then ${table}.TOTAL else 0 end )

In the example above we defined 7 metrics:

  • Total Revenue: is a sum of the column TOTAL

  • Average Order Value: is the average of the column TOTAL

  • Number of Orders: counts unique transaction ids

  • Number of Customers: counts unique customer ids

  • Ratio of Orders per Customer: is a metric composed of the two previous metrics

  • Amount of Orders with Credit Card: counts orders whose payment method is credit_card

  • Revenue from Credit Card Payments: sum up TOTAL of orders whose payment method is credit_card

SQL Notation and ${placeholder}

DotML is database agnostic, which means you can write any SQL expressions you want for your database. If you database supports something cool like Correlation(col1, col2) DotML also supports it.

The placeholder notation ${placeholder} allows DotML to dynamically generate the correct SQL statement or to reuse existing dimensions and metrics in other definitions. There are 3 different placeholders:

  • ${table}.column_name for correctly identifying a column name in the base table

  • ${dimension_name} or ${metric_name} for reusing an existing definition

  • ${variant_name} for configuring the substitution place of the variants

It's like specifying a template that gets filled with the correct value at runtime.

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